Banned books I've read

Books are banned or challenged every year for various reasons. Sexually explicit content, inappropriate language, and simply being "unsuitable for children" are all touted by upset parents and communities as reasons to keep these books away from the public.
Unknowingly, I've apparently read a lot of books that ended up challenged/banned! Here are said books and my thoughts on their allegedly inappropriate content.
The Handmaid's Tale
Profanity and “vulgarity and sexual overtones”
MY THOUGHTS This book has some hard-to-swallow content, which is especially brought to light by the television show. But I didn't find the writing overly sexual. If anything, the main character seems so dull and desensitized to her impossible situation.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Graphically addressing teenage suicide and other triggering topics
MY THOUGHTS I 100% understand why people would have a problem with this. I read it in high school and didn't find it nearly as problematic as the show. However, I don't think this book is a good reference for teens who may be struggling.
Eleanor and Park
Offensive language
MY THOUGHTS There is a lot of cursing but I thought this was a cute YA teen love story!
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Drugs/alcohol/smoking, homosexuality, offensive language, sexually explicit, "date rape and masturbation"
MY THOUGHTS There are definitely some tough topics in this book, BUT it's so good! At least for me it was. However I can understand how others who may have more personal experiences with some of the topics would not enjoy this story.
The Captain Underpants Series
Encouraging disruptive behavior, anti-family content, violence
MY THOUGHTS I read these in elementary school and used to think the fight scenes where you flip pages to create animation was really cool. However, I would agree that the plot is stupid and the main characters are rewarded for misbehaving.

The Kite Runner
Sexual violence and could “lead to terrorism” and “promote Islam”
MY THOUGHTS The sexual violence is pretty triggering and definitely affected me when I read it in high school. However, I absolutely do not think that this book leads to terrorism.
A Stolen Life
Drugs/alcohol/smoking, offensive language, sexually explicit
MY THOUGHTS I actually read this when I was a kid and found it completely traumatizing. It's the real time account Jaycee Dugard, a kidnapping victim, and her 18 years in captivity. It was well-written but if that kind of thing triggers you, don't read this.
This One Summer
Profanity, sexual references, and certain illustrations
MY THOUGHTS This is a graphic novel that I actually really enjoyed. Maybe because it's pictures people assume it's for children. But I would not say this was inappropriate for teens or adults.
Offensive language, sexual content
MY THOUGHTS I've done a whole post on this so read that. But yes, the book is very sexual. That's the point.
The Hunger Games
Religious viewpoint, anti-ethnic, anti-family, insensitivity, offensive language, occult/satanic, violence
MY THOUGHTS This series has a lot of violence, but that's the whole premise. I found it great when I read it in high school. I think some of those reasons are a stretch and a little dramatic.
The Gossip Girl Series
Drugs, offensive language, sexually explicit
MY THOUGHTS I just have to laugh because this book series has literally all those things without any sort of "lesson" attached.

Bridge to Terabithia
Occult/Satanism, offensive language
MY THOUGHTS I can see the "offensive language" thing (I think someone's dad says "Damn") and this book is marketed to children. But I don't remember anything Satanic happening??
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
MY THOUGHTS I mean, they do say the N-word a lot.
Sexually explicit, religious viewpoint, violence
MY THOUGHTS I have to be honest, I didn't really enjoy this book (even though it won a Pulitzer), but not for the reasons listed about.
The Holy Bible
Religious viewpoint
MY THOUGHTS I think it's obvious that I love the Bible.
Further Reading
The American Library Association's disclaimer on censorship and list of frequently challenged literature.
Have you read any banned books? Let me know!