Chaotic energy

So I read Lord of the Flies and yikes this book will for sure keep you up at night. Stephen King and Suzanne Collins both praised it on the back cover so that should have been a major red flag.
Here are my mixed thoughts on the book.
Ralph is awesome. The whole time on the island he just tries to keep the peace, be a good leader, and help the idiot boys get rescued. And what thanks does he get in return??
Jack sucks. Jack is that guy who always thinks he needs to be the best and has to cause drama for no reason.
The pig scene is disturbing. And yeah, I think that's the whole point. But yikes, I read this scene before bed and then had to go and read something happier so I could fall asleep. However, as gross as this scene was, I think it's when the action in the book really started to pick up.
These boys are crazy. Boys are gross, even when they're clean and relatively well-behaved. But William Golding did an amazing job of writing about just how dumb and savage guys are when there's no one (women) around to keep them in check.
There is actually something/someone called Lord of the Flies within the story. It's not often that a book can use their own title without sounding corny, but this novel did.
Poor So and So. I don't want to say names, but some characters in this book deserved better.
I really liked the ending. I don't know if I could have handled a different ending. The last four chapters had me on the edge of seat and I finished them in less than 30 minutes.
Do I think you should read this? Meh. I give it a good rating but if you're not into little boys, disasters, lackluster punctuation, craziness, and Freud, I don't think this story will be your cup of tea.