This is the greatest graphic novel ever written

Why is that we like to cry during the Christmas season? I just finished reading a story that literally made me bawl.
Maus, winner of the 1992 Pulitzer, is one of the most ingenious novels I've ever read. The author, Art Spiegelman, tells the story of his father who survived Auschwitz and World War II.

I mean, who doesn't love a compelling WWII story??
BUT, this is not your average WW II story. In an interesting interpretation, the Jews are depicted as mice and the Nazi's as cats. With his illustrations, Spiegelman does a stellar job of packing together a bundle of creativity, humor, and nuance into a heartfelt, gripping story.

The novel explores the themes of father/son relationships as the author grapples with being raised by two parents both traumatized by surviving Auschwitz.

I can't get over how fantastic this book is. Read it and you will totally understand. I promise, you have never read a story like this one before.
I never thought that I could cry at a comic book but it is 100% possible.

Here are the covers for the two volumes.
Click HERE to check them out. I highly, highly recommend.