A Series of Unfortunate Events Books: Ranked

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket was one of the most pivotal books series of my childhood. I began to understand about satire, gained an extensive vocabulary and learned countless facts about lesser known historical figures. As an elementary schooler I loved both the alliterative titles and the action-packed narratives.
Here I rank all 13 books in order from worst to best. (SPOILERS)

13. The Bad Beginning (Book the First)
Awkward when book one is the worst book. But to me it just felt a little dry. Between the movie and the Netflix tv show, this content feels overdone.
12. The Vile Village (Book the Seventh)
I think this book is the most forgettable. Also, the ending involving a hot air balloon, notebooks, and harpoon gun is still one of the most infuriating pieces of literature I've ever read.
11. The Miserable Mill (Book the Fourth)
I thought this book was completely unrealistic, which is saying something since the whole series is farfetched. Mr. Poe was an idiot for leaving the kids at a lumber mill.
10. The Hostile Hospital (Book the Eighth)
Honestly, this book was just okay. Count Olaf is barely in it, the Baudelaires are on the run, and nothing really intense happens until the end when the hospital is (surprise) on fire.

9. The Wide Window (Book the Third)
This novel was pretty good! It had a lot of mystery solving and we began to see how resourceful the Baudelaires truly are.
8. The Carnivorous Carnival (Book the Ninth)
We finally learn how Count Olaf always knows where the Baudelaires are! Plus, what a cliffhanger. I think it's hilarious that an ambidextrous guy is considered a "freak."
7. The Austere Academy (Book the Fifth)
I thought it was cool to see the Baudelaires in a school environment around other kids since they don't attend school with any other guardians for some reason. We meet 2/3rds the Quagmire triplets and this was also probably Count Olaf's most believable disguise.
6. The Grim Grotto (Book the Eleventh)
I got very annoyed with the constant descriptions about the water cycle. However, I did feel like the action, mystery, and stakes in this novel were pretty high! All of the drama with the mushrooms was intense.

5. The End (Book the Thirteenth)
This one was a little weird, chaotic, and DARK. I feel like it was exciting mostly because it's the last book and we finally get to see how the story ends. But, the Baudelaire's parents used to be leaders on the island?? Is that not going to be developed more? I think this book was the saddest because it kind of implies that everyone we cared about died :(
4. The Ersatz Elevator (Book the Sixth)
I found all of the drastic changes for what was "in" and "out" hilarious. There were also so many plot twists in this book. Esme, elevator shafts, the Quagmires, secret tunnels!
3. The Slippery Slope (Book the Tenth)
This one I thought was pretty good! A killer opening, lots of V.F.D. secrets, and Violet and Quigley fall in love! I loved the mountain side adventures and wordplay codes.
2. The Penultimate Peril (Book the Twelfth)
This one was GOOD. It was like all the characters and secrets from the whole series were finally coming together. I cried when I read what happens to Dewey.
1. The Reptile Room (Book the Second)
You will feel you heart warmed and then ripped out in this novel. Uncle Monty deserved better.