I love clothes. I love seeing what others are wearing and getting inspiration from the outfits people put together. This translates into my writing as well. Once I've thought about a character's physical features and personality, I give some attention to what they might wear.
It's fun to use clothes to play into the environment of a story. If a character lives in SoCal, it could add authenticity to the story to have them wear some Billabong flip flops or Roxy shorts. Maybe they have a favorite beachside boutique or surf brand. On the flip side, if your character lives in a place like Michigan, they're probably used to wearing North Face puffers and Lands End boots. Think about the different ways that clothing details can tie into your story.
Here's some other ideas about what a character's clothes could say about them.
"Basic" Pieces
Crop tops, t-shirts, denim jeans, anything from Urban Outfitters, etc.
This character may be in high school and/or trying to fit in with everyone else, be uncreative, or just plain normal.
Designer Items
Gucci slides, Louis Vuitton bag, Versace glasses, etc.
This character is either rich or compensating because they're not.
Avante Garde
Bold colors, pants suits, unconventional tops, etc.
This character is likely confident and cool. Maybe they have creative interests like photography or graphic design.
Outdated Items
Peplum tops, baggy jeans, nondescript sweaters, anything with a chest logo, etc.
Maybe this character is too busy worrying about things that matter to keep up with the latest trends and fashions. Or, maybe they don't have tons of money to spend on clothes and often wear hand-me-downs/thrifted pieces.
Clothes can be an integral part of character creation if you want it to be and I like having fun with the fashion in my stories.