This book was terrible
Recently I tried to read a book that was absolute garbage. I literally couldn't even finish it. I should have known it was going to be awful based on how lame the title was. "California Summer." Have you ever heard anything so generic?
The author (generous of me to call her so) writes romance novels. Here are some of her other nondescript book titles:
"Rome In Love"
"Santorini Sunsets"
"Christmas in London"
"White Sand, Blue Sea"
They all sound like cheesy Hallmark movies. I found "California Summer" at a random library and was in a spontaneous mood so I decided to read it, even though I usually don't read romance. Maybe I was missing out on something really great.
But I wasn't! I was not missing out on anything! This book sucked.
First of all, the writing was terrible. It felt more like a first draft than a finished product. The dialogue was so stunted and unnatural that I wanted to rip all the pages out.
Second of all, everything was predictable. It was the most formulaic and least creative plot I've ever attempted reading.
Third of all, it was completely unrealistic. Characters would make major life decisions, fall in love, or become best friends all within the span of like, an afternoon.
The back cover synopsis wasn't that bad. I genuinely thought that maybe there'd be some sort of redeeming storyline. But if there was I never found it, because I gave up around chapter six.
Now maybe you like escapist (and badly written) literature. That's fine, I guess, because I'm a hypocrite. I spend my time watching stupid TV shows and movies, knowing they're going to be awful. But I do not recommend this book at all.
As a writer though, awful fiction like this encourages me because if that trash can get published, then surely I can too, right?