My favorite books of the Bible

Reading the Bible always fills me up with this special something that I can't explain. A mystifying mix of hope, curiosity, and assurance. Here are my absolute favorite books to read over and over again.
1 & 2 Samuel
I love the story of David and he's definitely my favorite Bible character. He has such a fascinatingly complex personality. Small, humble shepherd. Charismatic king. Poetic, emo songwriter. Charming ladies' man. His rollercoaster life provides both entertainment and life lessons and gives numerous examples of Christ's unwavering love.
Growing up, I thought Esther was the coolest. This beautiful, courageous girl who became QUEEN! I wanted to be just like her. I still hope that when I go through trials, I can wholeheartedly lean on God the way she did.
This book is an uncomplicated guide to life. I love reading the sometimes snarky advice and learning better ways to live and serve.
Of the four gospels, this one is my favorite. I appreciate Luke's linear narrative and straightforward storytelling. Of course the content, Jesus's life, is always worthy of rereading and admiration. I find Jesus' time on earth captivating and yearn to understand more about His human existence.
Romans is full of FIRE verses! This book is my go-to when I want to feel uplifted and empowered.
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (8:31)
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (8:38-39)
This book is short and sweet, but still packed with thought-provoking, beautiful verses. Chapter 4, verses 17-32 talk about living as children of the light and I appreciate the reminders on how I can behave more like a child of God.
What are your favorite bible verses and books?