Why you should read when you travel abroad

So I spent my spring break hanging out in the jungles of Bolivia on a mission trip. Despite tarantulas, snakes, and relentless humidity, it was such an amazing experience! I have no regrets and will treasure the memories 5ever.
It made me think of the year I spent in Kenya. I brought Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie with me to read on the plane. This book had been sitting on shelf forever and I never got around to reading it. But I guess my subconscious was like, "Hey, you're going to Africa, read this book by an African author."
The funny thing is that while reading the book, all these random cultural references were making sense to me. I never would have understood the little innuendos if I wasn't witnessing them in everyday life in Kenya.
I encourage you to read a book about a certain place either before you go or while you're there. It can really open your eyes to a location and help you immerse yourself in its culture.
I hope you all enjoyed your spring breaks! There's only a couple weeks left until summer!